Big Changes via Small Actions

Sri’s Blog Climate change may seem like too enormous a problem to tackle—but big problems can be solved if many people take small actions. This phenomenon is perfectly illustrated by a famous story about former American Airlines President and Chairman Robert Crandall. Looking for ways to save the airline money and fuel, Crandall decided to […]
Stay True To Yourself

Sri’s Blog By 2011, Intellihot had clearly demonstrated that our product was different than anything else on the market. This caught the attention of one of the country’s largest water heating manufacturers, who were not known for being particularly innovative. We started a dialogue with them which occupied the bulk of our time for an […]
How Hard Can It Be?

Sri’s Blog I think everyone would agree: taking on the task of designing an entirely new type of water heater and disrupting a century-old status quo (without any training or background in that field) is pure foolishness and bravery. And yet, that is exactly what Siva Akasam and I did when we set out to […]
Intellihot’s Ideal Water Heater

Sri’s Blog An ideal water heating system should be just like your car: it should be started when you are ready to go, not left idling overnight; and it should be reliable. It should start up in rain, sun, snow, or any inclement weather. And it should run on the fuel of any octane rating.Unfortunately, […]
The Power of Innovation

Sri’s Blog Entrepreneurship and innovation are wildly powerful. I believe they are our greatest forces for solving global problems. Entrepreneurs are the ones who solve the tough problems that no one else will solve—or even attempt to solve—because we are not afraid to disrupt the status quo by doing things differently and intentionally.For hundreds of […]
The Inventor, the Entrepreneur, and the CEO

Sri’s Blog Intellihot was officially founded in my basement in 2006. For the first few years, we were essentially a research and development company; our goal was simply to figure out how to make our concept work. In 2008, after many experiments—and a few explosions!—we finally had a working prototype, but it was far from […]
Connecting the Dots to Discover Life’s Purpose

Sri’s Blog To really build a successful company, you must be driven by passion and purpose—but the road to finding your passion and purpose can be a long and winding one. Mine was anything but straightforward; nothing in my life or work experience pointed toward inventing a new kind of water heater and founding an […]
The Intellihot Story

Sri’s Blog Disrupting an industry is never an easy task—especially when it is an industry that has been more or less the same for literally centuries.The method for heating water in our houses and buildings has remained almost exactly the same for over 100 years—since the Industrial Revolution. Water is collected and stored in a […]