Sutton Hall – Milligan College, TN
No more Cold Showers For These Hard Working Scholars!
With 64 dorms and 120 residents, this busy residence hall also includes a student lounge and full laundry facilities. Intellihot stepped in to replace their old, leaky tanks with energy-efficient and reliable water heating equipment.
Installed Capacity
750,000 BTU/hr Zero Gallons storage
Property Details
64 dorms 120 residents
Ferguson Enterprises
Product Installed
Three iQ251s

Founded in 1866, Milligan College is a small, Christian liberal arts college with a student population of more than 1,200. The school is regularly listed as one of the top institutions for higher education in the state of Tennessee. Milligan College operates on deep-rooted Christian values and is committed to maintaining a Christian community within its programs. Milligan College’s Sutton Hall sits atop Sutton Hill, and is a traditional women’s residence hall houses the McCormick dining center as well as 64 dorms, making it the busiest residence hall on campus. The building also includes a student lounge and full laundry facilities.

The Challenge
Sutton Hall had one 80 gallon, 199,000 BTU water heater and two 100 gallon tanks. The old tanks were regularly experiencing leaks and inefficiency. A new, reliable system was needed to keep up with the shower demands of 120 students.

The Intellihot Solution
Three iQ251 units were purchased and installed in this residence hall, and they are supplying the entire building with all the hot water it can handle. All this, without a single storage tank.