Up to 30% savings on your hot water expenses | 4 simple ways our units reduce energy bills:

With reduced standby losses, lower set-point temperatures, high turndown ratios, and a modular design, our innovative units employ straightforward principles for reliable OpEx savings of up to 30%.

Did you know? Our fuel savings calculator and energy-saving simulations were conceived after one of our earliest customers reached out to us in disbelief over their energy savings. With OpEx savings projected to be as high as $40K/year for some properties, Intellihot’s commercial tankless water heaters have proven their reliability in achieving industry-leading energy efficiency.

“How do they do it?” is a commonly asked question. Harboring multiple energy efficiency innovations, our products “do it” in more ways than one. Regardless of the complex challenges that our engineering team overcomes innovatively, our energy saving systems are a product of 4 straightforward principles:

Principle #1

Reduced Standby Losses

Any system with heat will have some amount of standby losses. The fact that your coffee cup becomes colder with every passing second as it loses heat to the surroundings is because of standby losses. However, coffee in a bowl or a plate will lose heat faster than coffee in a cup. This is because bowls/plates have a larger surface area, providing more space for heat to be lost through.

Since every Intellihot water heater is tankless, the only place where standby losses can be observed is our heat exchanger(s). In contrast, a traditional system would constantly lose heat through its large storage tank. Since our heat exchanger has a much lower surface area than traditional tanks, the energy wasted through standby losses is significantly minimized, reducing energy bills.

Principle #2

Lower Set Point Temperatures

Commercial tank-style systems usually need to have their setpoint temperature at 140 °F to achieve efficient performance that meets hot water demand, and for safety against bacteria like Legionella. However, Intellihot’s tankless systems can be safely set at 125 °F without any risk of contamination or inadequate performance. This saves energy in two ways:

  • A lower set point temperature means a lower consumption of natural gas/propane/electricity. The Department of Energy forecasts energy savings of 4-22% upon lowering your water heater’s set point temperature.  
  • A lower set point temperature also means that standby losses are slower. This is because heat is lost at a faster rate when the difference in temperature is higher.

Principle #3

High Turndown Ratio

commercial tankless water heater savings turndown

A visual representation of turndown ratio

It is common knowledge that several pieces of equipment use considerable amounts of energy when they “turn on” and “turn off.” This is also true for water heaters. Water heaters usually “turn on the heat” when there is a hot water demand, and “turn off the heat” after the demand has been met. This cycle keeps repeating, resulting in several daily occurrences when the water heater cycles on and off, consuming higher amounts of energy, in comparison to a low but continuous “on” state.

The number of times a water heater needs to cycle on and off depends on “turndown ratio.” Simply put, equipment with a high turndown ratio have a higher range than equipment with a low turndown ratio. Intellihot products’ industry-leading turndown ratios (up to 100:1 per unit) means that our tankless water heaters are able to satisfy low and medium draws by only using the energy that is needed continuously, rather than cycling on to high and off to low repeatedly. Lesser cycling = lower energy wastage through purging.

Principle #4

Modular Design

Our patented heat exchanger is the integral building block for our entire range of gas-fired products. Units with higher heating output (BTUs/hr.) usually have a higher number of heat exchangers. Unlike other products, our autonomous heat exchangers can work in teams or individually. And they are smart enough to independently make this decision on a millisecond-level as hot water demand fluctuates. How does this save energy though?

Our smart and autonomous heat exchangers can determine the heating output needed for every draw. They can determine how many heat exchangers are needed to satisfy the demand. Only the number of heat exchangers required will fire, while the rest will stay “off” and avoid unnecessary energy usage. So, if you install an iQ751, you won’t be paying for all 751,000 BTUs/hr. (iQ751’s maximum heating output) during low and medium draws, which can be satisfied with a fraction of the unit’s maximum heating output.

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