Egg Processing Facility – Kentucky
Egg-cellent Processing Facility in Kentucky found themselves in hot water with the existing rack system
This busy egg processing facility had a rack system FULL of (residential grade) heaters. They learned the hard way that not all tankless heaters are created equal. Demand Mechanical came to the rescue to install a truly commercial tankless Intellihot system.
Property Details
Product Installed
Four iN401
Installed Capacity
1,999,996 BTU/hr
Demand Mechanical

“We prefabricated the heaters to allow for a super-fast install. It was our first time installing an Intellihot heater and we were able to provide our customer with readily available equipment that was simple and straightforward to install”
– Jamie Hassett, Demand Mechanical

The Problem
They were using 9 residential style tankless water heaters set to 180*. They lasted about 1-2 years on average. When water temperatures did not meet the requirements of the USDA, they had to scrap the eggs.

The Intellihot Solution
(4) iN401 Intellihot tankless units upgraded the facility to a true commercial heating system Energy efficiency, size, safety, reliability, and ease of maintenance were all factors in the decision.