Days Inn, Nashville, TN
Days Inn Hotel Saves 40% On Gas Consumption With Intellihot.
This Days Inn hotel in Nashville upgraded their old tank-based water heating system with a commercial grade, high-efficiency tankless solution and saved 40% on gas consumption.
Hospitality / Retrofit
Property Details
2 floors
44 rooms
Product Installed
Three iQ251s
Installed Capacity
750,000 BTU/hr,
Ferguson Enterprises

“The old water heaters were constantly needing serviced and just weren’t keeping up. We really liked the lntellihot stainless steel heat exchanger design and the higher efficiency so we decided to go with (3) iQ251 wall hung units. We now have plenty of capacity and redundancy built in and couldn’t be happier. Gas consumption has decreased on average by 40% since the change out.”
– Sam Patel, Owner

The Challenge
The hotel had two tankless units and a 100 gallon storage tank. This aging equipment was becoming a regular service and repair issue for the hotel. The 100 gallon tank was leaking and the two older tankless units were also not reliable any longer during peak demand.

The Intellihot Solution
Three Intellihot iQ251 wall-hung units totaling 750,000 BTUs were installed and are providing redundancy with plenty of capacity, all while achieving 40% gas savings compared to the older system.