What Makes a Code of Conduct Champion?
At Intellihot Inc., we get regularly dazzled by the amazing work that our employees do. We wouldn’t be where we are without them. We know we won’t grow without their contributions.
The Code of Conduct Champion is a tiny token of our appreciation towards employees that have gone above and beyond their responsibilities to aid Intellihot in its mission of Endless Progress towards a Zero Waste Future. We follow a peer-nominated process whereby any employee can recommend another co-worker to be recognized as a Code of Conduct Champion for displaying extraordinary characteristics of either of the following:
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Respect
- Teamwork
- Trust
- Commitment & Delivery
Code of Conduct Champions for 2023 Quarter 1
Intellihot Code of Conduct
Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny – Mahatma Gandhi
Despite our differences – in age, gender, culture, and background – we are united by these common principles and a shared commitment to make the impossible possible, and a world made better by our actions.
Each of us is personally responsible to read the code of conduct, understand what it means and apply it consistently. If you become aware of a circumstance or action that violates or appears to violate, the Code of Conduct, or applicable law, contact your supervisor or management as soon as possible.
Intellihot will not take any action against you as a result of raising an ethical issue in good faith, nor tolerate any reprisal by any individual against an employee for raising a concern or making a report in good faith.
Innovation: We constantly strive to make our products and processes better.
Integrity: We are respectful and behave in an open and honest manner. The reputation of Intellihot reflects the ethical performance of the people who work here.
Respect: We respect and value people with different opinions, experiences and backgrounds. Ideas are evaluated on their merit and ability to solve the problem at hand.
Teamwork: We are a team, sharing our unique talents & skills to help our co-workers. Our diverse thinking, opinions, experiences, and backgrounds strengthen our team and collective action.
Trust: We trust each other to build outstanding relationships and treat one another with the respect, trust, and dignity we ourselves expect. We acknowledge the full value of each individual’s contribution toward the common goal.
Commitment & Delivery: We commit to what we can deliver and deliver what we commit to.
Quality: We continuously strive to delight our customers by producing products with zero defects. We stop defect outflow to the next process and send feedback to previous processes to continuously improve processes, reduce waste and improve employee engagement.