Calvin University – Grand Rapids, MI
When Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan decided to upgrade to instantaneous hot water to gain efficiency, redundancy, and reliability, they chose Intellihot. In order to replace four 1,000-gallon tanks, B & V Mechanical installed two Intellihot iQ1501’s commercial tankless units supplied by Process Engineering and Equipment Company.
Higher Education
Installed Capacity
3,000,000 BTU/hr
Property Details
Product Installed
(2) iQ1501
B&V Mechanical
Process Engineering and Equipment

“In addition to being readily available, Intellihot units were easy to install. Our decision to choose Intellihot for this project addressed our customer’s energy efficiency concerns. Intellihot provided excellent support during the planning and installation phases .”
– Dave Hearth, Process Engineering & Equipment

The Problem
Four 1,000-gallon tanks were inefficient, wasteful, leak-prone, costly, and could
possibly become a breeding ground for fatal bacteria such as legionella. It was
time for more energy-efficient solution to this University’s need for hot water.

The Intellihot Solution
Two iQ1501’s were chosen for this project. By combining AI with leading-edge technology, Intellihot offers business owners compact, efficient, environmentally friendly machines that significantly decrease energy usage and produce only as much hot water as needed. The savings are nearly incalculable in terms of
energy, money, and effort.